The New Normal COVID-19
Safe Store Procedures and Protective Measures
UPDATED 17th March 2022
Since the outbreak of COVID-19 we have made some changes to our daily working habits to keep you and the Loxley team as safe as possible.
–The Loxley Team will maintain our distance from you unless it is necessary to get closer for clinical reasons.
– We encourage contactless card payments where possible and discourage the use of cash. We will follow infection control if cash is used.
– We have screen guards in place on eye testing equipment.
– We have (70% alcohol) hand sanitiser which must be used upon entry.
Infection control
– We disinfect everything that you come into contact with using alcohol wipes and frequently clean surfaces that are touched by the Loxley Team.
– We use the recommended cleaning and disinfecting products.
– To encourage regular hand hygiene, we have hand sanitiser available in multiple locations.
– The Loxley Team will wear appropriate PPE if we need to see patients at less than 2 meters distance.
The Loxley Team
– All the Team has been appropriately trained in infection control policy and are kept up to date with changes in national public health guidance and government policy.
– The team is aware of the symptoms of possible COVID-19 and will not attend the store if they display these symptoms.
– The team will have two lateral flow tests every week, beginning 1st Feb 2021
– As key workers providing an essential service, all members of our team have been offered the vaccine, with a 100% uptake as of 1st April 2021
– We are minimising the mixing of staff and the reducing number of staff you will see during your visit.
Our Patients
– Please wear a face mask if you have one during your eye examination (we get pretty close when looking into your eyes, we’ll be wearing ours)
– Please sanitise your hands on entering and leaving the store.
– When you book an appointment, we will ask the reason for your booking, so we can allocate an appropriate amount of time for your visit.
– We may ask certain clinical questions over the phone to minimise your time in the consulting room.
– We will use appropriate equipment to reduce contact during the consultation.
Visit Loxley in complete confidence
Easing of restrictions
The government has relaxed the restrictions and the onus of making the right decision is placed on us the public.
We understand that some of the more vulnerable members of our community may still not feel comfortable mixing with others. Therefore we offer exclusive access to Loxley outside of normal opening times
Exclusive store access …
Either call 0115 8375960 or email to arrange a time
Or drop us an email.
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